Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Left's 'Duh' factor is working to our advantage

I'm glad they're trying to do this. It's the stupidest, most idiotic, moronic idea I've ever heard of and I applaud their effort. In fact, I hope they try to outdo themselves with something that even surpasses this proposal for its 'Duh' factor.

What am I talking about? I was listening to Michael Medved on the radio yesterday and he spoke about the geniuses in Seattle proposing a law that would make it illegal for a landlord to consider an individual's criminal background when determining someones viability as a reasonable tenant.

Of course, I don't want to saddle Seattle's landlords with such an insane law. But, as the liberal progressives pile insanity upon insanity, fewer and fewer Americans will be able to ignore the fact that something crazy is afoot. Too many American voters didn't notice the insanity of electing an ultra-liberal, with an unknown background president of the United States. For all we know about Obama - whether we dig in Hawaii or Kenya - there might just be an infant's grave containing the bones of a newborn jackal.

OK, now I'm sounding crazy - but just a little bit. The point is that Obama and the liberal progressives generally hid in the shadows of obscurity during the election of 2008. Sure, Obama's smiling, teleprompter reading face was splattered across television, internet and newspapers, but what did we really know about him, and how much interest did the Left-stream media really exhibit in its effort to vet the presidential candidate? Kind of like voting on a 2,700 bill before reading it, we elected Obama so that we could see what we got once we had him in the White House.

Well, now we've seen. Of course, the Left-stream media is still trying to run interference for the man but that will only go so far. Libya erupts into revolution and we see Obama's backswing while teeing off at the 9th Hole. An earthquake and Tsunami engulf Japan in a radioactive disaster, and Obama graces us with his NCAA picks.

It's not just in the White House. Here in Illinois, we have a liberal progressive attorney general, the daughter of the liberal-progressive, big-spending Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives, agreeing with the Left-stream Associated Propaganda that gun card and gun ownership records should be open material. Never mind that the Constitutionally questionable records are required by the state - now that Illinois has forced people to sign up to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights, the state wants to turn over that list to the liberal biased medai.

Let's look at the media for a little liberal-progressive insanity. Members of the Left-stream media have hurled every possible vile epitaph at conservatives and TEA Party members these last two years, accused them of violence when there was nothing to report, rashly pointed the finger at the TEA Party when violence did occur only to find out the violence did not originate from the right. And what did the Left-stream media have to say about death threats to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker? ................................................................. Yep, that's the sound of silence. Not a peep.

So let the liberal jerks in Seattle propose laws that require landlords to ignore a rapist's criminal background when he wants to move into the apartment next to several teenage girls. Never mind that the child molester wants to live next door to the young couple with several young boys. And, just because that guy with the crazy look in his eyes has killed before, that's no reason to stop him from moving into that quiet little apartment block.

Of course, none of these examples even begin to address the idea that criminals shouldn't find life easier as a result of their crimes; that making life a little more difficult for criminals might actually persuade some potential criminals, or prior criminals to choose a different path in life.

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