Thursday, March 3, 2011

AP - Associated Propaganda - sheds veil of journalistic ethics for liberal agenda

I challenge the liberal progressives at the AP (Associated Propaganda) to show me how a FOIA request for all the records of private gun owners in Illinois is not a grossly biased act. For what purpose have they made this request? How is this news? Will it serve the public beyond the scope of advancing the liberal progressive agenda?

No, it’s not ‘news’ to name all the people who own guns. Our laws and our Constitution support the right to own guns. This is nothing more than the AP’s version of a Wikileaks moment – exposing information for the pure and simple sake of exposing information.

OK, it’s not news, so why do it? Why ask the Illinois State Police to provide information about individual citizens that, for those who have chosen to exercise their right to bear arms, is required by the State of Illinois? If I grant the Associated Propaganda a great big, enormous benefit of the doubt, assuming it has nothing to do with furthering the liberal cause, I draw a complete blank.

So, help me out. Show me how this has a reasonable and appropriate purpose from a journalistic standpoint. Oh, and that means with the application of actual journalistic ethics and standards, not the Left-serving version the Left-stream media has openly operated under these last several years. I say the “last several years” because, prior to that, I think the Left-stream media made a thinly veiled attempt to hide its bias or at least to give the impression that they were policing their own work.

Now, the veil has been torn aside. And who has exposed the Left-stream media for what it is? The Left-stream media has. It wasn’t an incredible case of investigative reporting. The Left-stream media, with a ultra-liberal president and an ultra-liberal Congress assumed, a couple years ago, that they didn’t have to hide any longer. They didn’t have to worry about it.

You might say the Left-stream media misread the elections of 2008. There is a quietly long-held sense within the liberal camp that, with liberal indoctrination in our schools, matched by liberal propaganda in the press and subliminal liberal messages in entertainment, as the old fogies died away, those folks once called by a Left-winter – “The Greatest Generation” – the nation would eventually become a liberal socialist utopia.

The TEA Party upset that applecart, though it took the Left-stream media a while to catch on. They thought they could call conservatives TEA Baggers and make unsubstantiated claims of violent conservatives with impunity.

So, when the Left-stream media outlet – the Associated Propoganda – makes a wholly unreasonable request for the private records of gun owners in the state, they assumed they had the forces in power to push that request through quietly. They were almost right.

Lisa Madigan apparently thinks gun owners in this state don’t have a right to privacy. Of course, she also doesn’t think gun owners in this state have a right to own guns. She’s all too willing to help the Associated Propaganda line Illinoisans up like sheep to be sheared.  

Madigan shares the same agenda with the Associated Propaganda and, instead of performing her duties based on principles, she has chosen to apply her ideology to her responsibilities, just as the idiots at the Associated Propaganda have done.

Governor Pat Quinn might go along with that, though he’s less likely to do so in the face of a political firestorm. Thankfully, the Illinois State Police were a little more level headed about the request.

1 comment:

  1. Is Lisa Madigan, Illinois' attorney general, merely ignoring the privacy rights of Illinois gun owners or is she prepared to ignore all privacy rights of Illinoisans?
