Did you ever hear about the guy who went to the well once too often? Well, that may be the case for White House Press Secretary Jay Carney. Of course, it’s Carney’s job to stand out in front of the propagandists from the networks and major print publications and deliver Obama’s chosen message.
So, it was probably someone else from the administration who handed off that bucket of bull when Carney announced that the Bush administration started the ball rolling in terms of a $528-million loan-gone-bad to Solyndra, a solar-panel company touted by Obama as an example of a business generating ‘green’ jobs.
Unfortunately for Carney and the Chicago White House Mob, a search of e-mails proved that the Bush administration was a bit more circumspect about loaning money to the company. In fact, the Bush administration, while searching to promote ‘green’ energy (gee, I thought Obama invented that idea), had put the brakes on a loan to Solyndra.
For those who have stayed awake over the last three years, it’s no big surprise that the Obama administration is finding itself in hot water over this issue. As Michelle Malkin has made clear in her book, “Culture of Corruption,” if a big-wig from Solyndra (George Kaiser) is willing to provide large sums for Obama’s election, in the Chicago tradition, he has every right to expect a little sign of appreciation, such as a half-billion dollar loan he can use bankruptcy to forgive.
But, the point here is that, again, the White House has turned to its age-old excuse when things go wrong – “Bush did it.”
I wonder, before Rahm ‘Deadfish’ Emanuel, returned to Chicago as the city’s Commander in Corruption, when Deadfish was still Obama’s chief of staff, did he hold workshops for the White House staff on how to respond when Obama or his administration faced rare occurrences of criticism. Such instances were rare, of course, because the media usually volunteered to carry the water from the well, no matter how many times the administration went back there.
I picture Deadfish meeting with the staff and saying, “OK, Valerie, a reporter asks you, ‘Why did the president bow to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia?’ What’s your response? … Valerie? … ‘Bush did it,’ remember?”
“OK, Pete, a reporter asks you, ‘Why has unemployment gone over 10 percent when the president promised it wouldn’t go over eight percent if we pass the stimulus?’”
“It’s Bush’s fault.”
“That’s right, Pete. Good answer. Now everybody, if someone suggests that the Cash for Clunkers program is a failure?”
“Well, in that case, we might want to argue that it worked but, if you can’t think of anything to say, you’re right, just remember – ‘Bush did it.’”
The problem with returning to the well too often is that it can tend to put all the other trips to the well in a different perspective. Many of us have seen that the only transparency this administration ever really offered was the transparent excuse of blaming everything on Bush. Now, as the administration is caught using that excuse when there is solid evidence that it lacks validity, even those who have somewhat bought the excuse in the past may reflect anew on that opinion.
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