No, Obama, it’s not the TEA Party’s fault – it’s your fault.
That’s right. You want to point some fingers? Did you ever hear the old saying that, “When you point a finger at someone else, several fingers are pointing back at you?” Well, it sure as heck applies here.
“Bush drove the economy into a ditch(?)” No, the age of entitlement drove the economy into the ditch. And you sir, Obama, are a product of the age of entitlement – a product of the soft-underbelly of American success. You’re a pampered academic elitist with wild theories about society and governments, theories that were safe as long as they remained in the classroom.
Unfortunately for US, too many members of the media were inculcated with the same academic disease. They missed the basic point that academic theory and reality are distinctly different things. Academic theory is safe but annoying as long as it is treated as backseat driving.
Well, if Bush drove the car into the ditch, the solution wasn’t to allow the two-year old in the backseat to take the wheel. “I know how to solve hunger in the world, mommy. We tell farmers to grow more food.”
So, you thought that was a ditch in 2008? If that was a ditch you’ve about driven the car off the cliff. If we’re not plunging into jagged rocks below, we’re hanging off the twisted guardrail by a hair’s breath. “Everybody hold real still until help arrives.”
But is the help coming? If you’ve called for a dump truck full of cash with orders to dump more green over our frightened and agonizing heads, I assure you a few bills will get caught on the window wipers and the added weight will pull us over.
But, you haven’t learned your lesson yet, have you? You’re going to stick to your guns through thick and thin. Of course, the thick is what your friends, like Soros, get. The thin is for the rest of us.
About a year ago, I met someone I’d spoken to casually on several occasions. A television was playing and your smiley face came on the screen. I winced and commented that I felt you were leading us to ruin. At that moment, I discovered my acquaintance was an ardent Obama supporter.
Offended by my attitude, over the course of the last year, every time he’s seen me, he’s moved to the other side of the road, sidewalk or dining establishment and given me a dirty look. But, today, at McDonald’s, I overheard him speaking with some people at another table. I didn’t catch the entire conversation but I can tell you that, based on the words I did hear, the bloom is most assuredly off the rose.
You know, it took a majority of those in the media several years of thumping on George W. Bush’s reputation day and night to thoroughly vilify the man to the extent that someone I once considered reasonably stable would engage in wild fits of calling him “Hitler” and other disreputable names. You’ve got the media working in the opposite direction, carrying your water for everything they’re worth, and, I assure you, as things are going, if Bush’s name is mud, one day yours will be the primordial ooze that resides several layers further down.
As I see it, your reputation, along with the hopes and dreams of all Americans, has a limited number of options. In either case, it takes a big man to pull this off and I have little confidence you’ll even try.
The one option is for Barrack Hussein Obama to admit his theories and ideology were based on pasteurized cow pies and to recognize that fiscal conservatism is more than theoretically sound, it’s the only reasonable course to follow. Of course, for you to make this kind of a quantum shift in your perspective, you’d probably have to hold a news conference where you actually had something to say:
“After deep and careful consideration, I’ve realized I’ve been taking America down the wrong path and, today, I am switching my political allegiance to, not only the Republican Party but as a TEA Party member, as well.”
No, I’m not holding my breath.
The other solution is to pretend we have a system in the U.S. akin to Britain’s policy of removing prime ministers on votes of No Confidence. You can pretend that we have this system as you realize that, from those who are awake, No Confidence is the only plausible outcome of such a vote.
In other words, it’s not just that Geithner needs to go; it’s that he needs to go and he needs to take you with him.
In the meantime, how long do you think your media will continue to stick its neck out for you when even those in its ranks who are the most symbiotic to your dung-based theories realize that the last of their credibility is dissolving into wet and moldy shreds of newsprint?
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