On FOXNews just now, the topic was Obama’s sidestepping of the constitution to review cases of deportation for illegal immigrants on a case-by-case basis. The Hispanic gentleman who applauded Obama’s decision characterized the decision in glowing terms, terms I can’t even find fault with, not when he speaks of deporting the wives and families of men who are serving in our military.
In the view of the non-Hispanic guest, Obama’s decision was not painted with the same rosy colors. Rather, and in my mind this trumps all, what Obama has done is to create a constitutional crisis … again.
If an illegal’s spouse is a member of our military his or her spouse has my full support. Congress needs to address that, and they tried. However, and the Hispanic guest on FOX failed to mention that, when they tried to address that, the radical liberals in Congress wouldn’t let go of the idea that an illegal attending college in the U.S. should receive the same level of respect as someone fighting for our country.
That an illegal immigrant attending college should be treated the same as someone who puts his or her life on the line makes sense from the elitist liberal perspective. In the liberal mind, college is the training ground for their own elitist leaders. The military, on the other hand, is largely populated with thick-headed Neanderthals who have bought all that tripe about patriotism and country.
Of course, the liberals neglect to acknowledge that ‘a few’ conservative students manage to slip through the cracks to graduation from ‘higher’ education without the pasteurization of their minds in the liberal mold. Liberals, for all their purported intellectual superiority, can’t seem to recognize what would happen to their temples of educated radicalism – our nation’s universities – if those supposed Neanderthals weren’t standing at the tip of the sword defending the rights of liberals and conservatives alike.
But, this is all just rhetoric. It means nothing if a president can sidestep the constitution and implement policy that was rejected by Congress.
Liberals clear their schedules and pop their popcorn anytime “All the President’s Men” is shown on television (actually, many of them probably have the movie in their collection).
The point of that story wasn’t just that some of Nixon’s people were guilty of breaking and entering, or that they and Nixon engaged in a major effort to cover up the offenses. The point was that Nixon was trying to operate outside of the constitution. To operate outside of the constitution is to ignore the constitution. If we, as a nation, allow it, we have no recourse when our leaders choose to ignore our constitutional rights.
Congress will not do anything about this, which is because voters naively returned Harry Reid and too many of his friends to the Senate. Reid is the buffer between Obama and the constitution. Obama can get away with stuff like this because Reid and the other democrats in Congress put party above the constitution, just as Obama puts politics and ideology above the constitution.
Obama is counting on the Hispanic vote as a reward for circumventing the constitution in this case. But, Hispanics, whether born in this country or whether they came across the border, should consider whether they really want this kind of help. This time, Obama is circumventing the constitution to their benefit. What guarantee is there that, next time, it will work out as well for them.
The constitution is not a shield that we can raise when it’s convenient. What would the value of the constitution be if the Founding Fathers had written it this way:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America, which our elected leaders can implement or ignore at their discretion.
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