There it is again - the race card. This time, the Left, in the person of Rep. Jackson Lee (D-TX) has turned to this tired tactic to put pressure on Republicans who are, according to her, holding up an agreement to increase the debt ceiling. In a story reported on, she's reported to have said, on the floor of the House, "Read between the lines."
Well, Rep. Lee, I'm doing just that. I'm reading between the lines when you pull out the race card in the face of a debt and spending crisis that is beyond all comprehension. I'm reading between the lines when Obama and his entitlement agenda comes up against the constitution and those who, at this point, seem to support it. I'm reading between the lines and noticing the same theme in this story as in others when you and your liberal ilk have played this card before. And what do I read between those lines?
I read that, in an environment where restraint is a foreign word on both sides of the aisle, liberals set the standard for just how low they will go.
Maybe Rep. Lee actually believes this crap. If so, it suggests that she is incapable of truly appraising reality. Race is not a motivation any time some disagrees with you, Representative.
I believe it is crucial that the government avoids default. However, the other day, Obama's press secretary was asked if, based on Obama's words, he really thinks it's better to default than to kick the can down the road for another year. He dodged the question.
I won't dodge the question: I think it is preferable to default than to have Obama in the White House for another four years. Now, I don't think there is necessarily a direct connection between one and the other; failing to avoid default could be as damaging for Republicans as for Democrats and the president. What it does mean is that I expect my representative to stand his ground and force the president to, at the very least, compromise on the measure that they'll increase the debt ceiling in hand with the spending cuts that they'll make.
Notice, I didn't say anything about raising taxes. Democrats are trying to claim that Republicans won't compromise because they won't agree to raising taxes. In this case, Democrats ignore the compromise Republicans are willing to make in terms of increasing the debt ceiling.
But, whether they raise the debt ceiling or we default on our loans; whether Obama is case out of the White House after the election of 2012 or not, none of this has anything to do with the fact that he is half black. It wouldn't have anything to do with it if he was all black. It wouldn't even matter if he, Rep. Lee and I were all bright purple. Trust me, Rep. Lee, the level of our debt crisis isn't mitigated by the color of anyone's skin. It is, however, exacerbated by socialistic politicians who don't seem to understand that the basis of their power is the very constitution they almost constantly seek to circumvent.
As for those who in Congress who are the targets of Rep. Lee's attack, please ignore it. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has seen this card played before. And, I'm not the only one who is tired of it, either.
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