Saturday, July 23, 2011

Media monkeys violate Bachmann's HIPAA rights but leave Obama's academic records hidden

I don't know who first violated Rep. Michele Bachmann's (R-MN) HIPAA rights but the mainstream media has jumped in with both feet. HIPAA provides for the privacy of individual's health records but, apparently, not in the case of a conservative presidential candidate.

That makes sense, I suppose, not that I agree migraine headaches are a legitimate cause for suggesting someone is unfit for office, especially after that person has already, and successfully, held state and federal office for more than a decade. While I agree that there are physical concerns we'd want to know about before electing someone president, such as a psychological condition related to class-based resentments inspiring a anti-constitutional desire to redistribute wealth, the reality is that HIPAA still protects the individual's right to privacy.

If I were applying for a job and the prospective employer demanded my financial records, that employer would be in a world of hurt. I could sue the bajeebas out of the employer for merely asking the question. If, however, that employer managed to somehow sneak a peak at my medical records, we're talking hurt squared.

Of course, while the late Chappaquiddick Kennedy introduced the HIPAA legislation back in the '90s, he failed to introduce similar ARPAA (no, not a derivative of the back-stabbing seniors organization, the Academic Records Portability Accountability Act). If he had, there would be some legitimacy to the idea of hiding Obama's academic records. But, hidden they are and hidden, apparently, they will remain.

Does it also strike you as odd that the mainstream media would so willingly violate Bachmann's protected medical records while, like Three 'Wise' Monkeys, the media covers its ears, eyes and mouth whenever someone suggests a more thorough vetting of Obama.

It's funny, the monkeys in the media are like stone-cold statues in the face of journalistic ethics when dealing with their liberal cronies in office, but they come to life any time a conservative is at hand. Maybe someone should point out to them that journalistic ethics aren't so easily half applied.

1 comment:

  1. With the huge UK scandal of politicians & the media as bedfellows, we should take this opportunity to excavate the same affair here with the American "lamestream"(credit 2 Palin) media.

    Jerry Clifford, the Word Guru,
