Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Whose undies are those anyway?

OK, I was outraged. Here we have the Weinergate scandal and some putz on MSNBC decides to lash out with his English accent at Sarah Palin for "breaking the law by displaying the American flag on her tour bus." This is really earth shattering. I mean it, this really, really is significant - not because I think there's any validity to the accusation but because the accusation comes from the Left-stream media, which is first to jump to the defense of anyone who wants to burn, trample or defecate on the American flag.

It's also big news because it's taking up 'valuable' airtime on that network when Weinergate is a much bigger story. Then again, according to Weiner, this is nothing more than a distraction from the real issue of the day - the vote on increasing the debt ceiling.

Weiner is right - the tax ceiling is the big issue of the day. However, the American public can sufficiently multitask to the extent of hearing more than one story per day. And so, Weinergate deserves more coverage than it will ever get from Lefty Journalism. It also deserves every late-night joke the people who write that stuff can come up with.

When I write a column/blog like this, I try to do a little research on the topic. I prefer not to speak out of ... Let me rephrase that - I like to know what I'm talking about. So, in the case of this posting, I decided to take a look at Weiner's Web site, though I very much hoped I wouldn't come across a picture of Weiner in his undies.

Apparently, the "Fighter. Reformer. New Yorker" likes to write a column or two as well. The page I arrived at, offered opportunities to read Weiner's pontifications in his blog, listen to his rantings on Weiner TV (a porn site?), a place to write to Weiner (I'm thinking about it though I don't think he'd like what I have to say), a place to contribute and a place to volunteer. Below these options are several articles where Weiner has blessed us with his sharp intellect and well-grounded, homespun wisdom.

The first two blogs are attacks on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas (isn't it funny how quickly and consistently the Left attacks anyone from its perceived constituency who wanders from the fold?). Then, Weiner writes, on May 6, 2011, an article titled, "Disgusting."

What's disgusting, the idea of seeing Weiner's tighty whities, the thought that there might be racing stripes on the backside of his tighty whities? How about the idea that anyone whose positions are so consistently out of touch with the constitution could actually be elected to Congress?

No, that's not what Weiner finds disgusting. He waxes appalled at the "outright Republican assault on women." Those nasty Republicans seem to think that taxes shouldn't be used to fund abortions and the basis of that position is their hatred for women (people like Palin, Michelle Bachman and others don't count as women because they've betrayed their gender as defined by wieners like Weiner, just as Justice Thomas isn't really black anymore because he's betrayed his race in Weiner's eyes).

So, this is the champion of women everywhere, the staunch advocate of a women's right to an abortion, whether its murder or not and regardless of who the government forces to pay for the crime? But that's not the real question. The real question is, do women really want a hero who claims a prankster or hacker sent out pictures of him in his undies but won't deny it's his picture. And another question that has far more currency: as long as we keep electing idiots like this, why do we keep expecting something more from our elected officials.

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