Do you ever have the feeling that someone like George Soros created MSNBC so that, by comparison, CNN would appear more in the center? The center of what – a cesspool of ignorance and arrogance, of deceit and the abandonment of journalistic principles? And, at the head of that shining example of liberal propagandist vitriol stands Anderson Cooper – silver haired beyond his apparent years, boyish looks with a starchly serious demeanor.
Here it is, just two or three days after Michele Bachmann surprised everyone by polling at 22 percent among conservatives and only one point behind lukewarm, front-runner Mitt Romney, and already the liberal hatchets are out, starting with Cooper’s.
I couldn’t hear what he was saying. I was in McDonald’s where the sound is down and they either support the liberal slant of CNN or have bought into the mighty media midget’s posturing as the mid-ground source for news. Cooper’s expose on Bachmann had a text box tucked into the left corner through most of the segment. In that box, with a rolling bright light, were the words, “Keeping Them Honest: Bachmann’s Double Talk.”
No, I didn’t hear what Cooper had to say. Apparently, the claim is that Bachmann is “on the government doll” while decrying big spending. If that’s the case, I expect Bachmann to come clean about whatever accusation Mr. Cooper has put forth. My problem is that, for the last three years, we have yet to see Barack Obama’s academic records. Has Cooper done an expose on that, particularly in light of Obama’s promise of “transparency?” We’ve watched tax-cheat after tax-cheat join his administration. Has Cooper gone after them?
Now that Obama actually has an elected record, has Cooper made even a hint of suggesting Obama should explain some of his contradictions? Did he do anything other than defend the future First Lady when she said, “For the first time in my life, I’m proud to be an American?” Did he take Pelosi and Reid to task for the backroom methods used to pass Obamacare while brazenly flaunting another promise of transparency? If he has, I haven’t seen it.
Of course, you might point out that I don’t watch this fraud of a journalist so how would I know. Simply put, if he had, that in itself would be news. I’d be watching Bill O’Reilly and he would start a new segment, “Today, in a surprise turn towards actual journalism, CNN’s Anderson Cooper actually dared to challenge the president/administration over the contradictions between its promises and its actions.”
But, I haven’t heard that and I’m not going to hear that. Cooper and his quasi-journalistic cronies at CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, and the Huffington Post will persist in pretending that they’re real journalists while continuing to use the news as a not-so-subtle campaign platform for Obama and other liberals.
Then again, maybe I’m being a bit hard on Mr. Cooper. He certainly seems to know enough about double talk employing that variety of programming on a regular basis.
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