Sunday, May 29, 2011

Obama ad on my page - a joke or what?

Is this for real? I was checking out my rich1776Patriot blog when I came across a green box with two ads. The top ad was annoying to say the least: "Official Obama Web Site ... join us." Yeah, right. That'll happen.

I encourage people to come to my pages and click on the ads because I'm a greedy, capitalistic pig. And my greed knows no bounds as proven by the $12.85 I've made so far this year from people clicking on my ads. But, that's not quite the kind of ad I want to see on my Web site. It's kind of like putting moldy ketchup on a filet Mignon.

Yes, it was a little arrogant of me to say that. The point is, finding a pro-Obama ad on my page doesn't exactly make sense. Chances are, this is the result of Blogger software that has recognized the political nature of my postings but doesn't have the capacity to distinguish my political leanings. Or, it could be the result of someone who thinks it's funny to put a pro-Obama ad on my site. Nah, not likely. I'm sure it's the prior.

Then again, I took another look at the ads in the box and found that the ad at the bottom was selling teleprompters. Maybe somebody does have a sense of humor after all.

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