Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Is there a connection?

What's the common thread? I don't have time to write more about it now but thought I'd put it out there for others to consider, if they think there is sufficient cause to do so:

Obama's policy on immigration reform - throw the doors open and give academic waivers to foreigners
Crossing Pakistan's border, unannounced, to get Osama
Launching attacks, along with feet-on-the-ground special forces, into Libya

1 comment:

  1. People can say this and they can say that but a pattern of actions speaks much louder than words. As I see it, there is a distinct pattern here having to do with attitudes about sovereignty and borders. I don't believe Barack Obama believes in America; he's a One-World sort of guy.

    I hope to have more to say on this topic later.
