Friday, May 20, 2011

Dems - the party of say anything

I only have a few minutes and need to write quickly as work isn't beckoning - it's screaming it's bloody head off to get going. However, I gotta get this said.

I've received an invitation to a McHenry County Democratic Party awards event. I can't find the thing. I held onto it because I was convinced that someone was playing some kind of a joke to send it to me in the first place and, because, I thought I might want to comment on it sometime soon, as well.

The thing that struck me about the invitation was the picture of Thomas Jefferson on the front and the reference to one of his quotes about freedom and liberty, as though the current state of the Democratic Party would do anything other than make Jefferson turn over in his grave, not to mention that the Democrats usually love to berate Jefferson as a slave owner. It's entirely in character with the state of the Democratic Party today, as well as their leader - Barack Obama.

Say anything. It's more than the title of a movie I was never compelled to watch; it's the mode of operandi for this party.

Obama and the Democrats make all kinds of claims:
They support Israel - Does anyone else really believe that?
Obamacare will lower healthcare costs - Yeah, right.
We have to stop drilling in the gulf until it's safe - That has nothing to do with the president's stated desire to see energy costs "necessarily skyrocket?"
I had no involvement with ACORN - Please!

Like I said, I don't have a lot of time this morning. I just felt it was somewhat sacrilegious for the Democrats to claim a legitimate philosophical connection to Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson, after all, was adamant in his belief in limited government, probably more so than any other Founding Father. But, in McHenry County, where there's a strong backing for the philosophies of Thomas Jefferson, well, say anything.

If you put Jefferson's picture on an invitation, people will say, "Oh, gee, the Democrats don't have their heads up their butts after all. Well, excuse me, but if the Dems think they can sway my vote with a picture of Jefferson, their heads are as firmly planted in the south 40 as they ever were.

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