I've heard that Obama won the Battle of the Birthers. I've heard Trump won the battle. I've heard they both lost. Well, I've got my own opinion.
In my modest assessment, I suspect Obama was born in Hawaii as he claims. Early on, shortly after the Hillary Clinton campaign handed the Birther baton off to some on the right, I said that, in my opinion, the entire issue was a red herring; it was a political ploy Obama used to paint his opponents as a bunch of crazies. Donald Trump has finally made him play that card.
But, let's look at how Obama played that card. He claimed he was forced to do so because it was distracting vital attention away from the budget debate. As Obama put it, "We do not have time for this kind of silliness ... We've got better stuff to do. I've got better stuff to do. We've got big problems to solve" like getting to Chicago for the Oprah Show.
First of all, as FOXNews has reported, there was no inordinate focus on the Birther issue (another red herring). Additionally, if we all think back just a little bit to Obama's Congress - you know, the one dominated on both sides of the capital by liberal nitwits - the one unable to pass a budget, Obama hardly seemed to notice. In fact, he only began to pay lip service to the idea when the Republicans actually came out with an alternative.
So, not only is it false to say that the Birther issue pushed the budget off the front page, it's also false to say that Obama had anything like a serious interest in moving the budget from front page to passage.
So, insincerity was the order of the day when Obama finally responded to the Birther issue. But that's no surprise. Politicians are famous for their insincerity, though Obama tends to make most of the others look like they're ready to confess cutting down the cherry tree.
But how about the Lamestream Media; how did they handle the event? Well, they did take a little time out from preparations for William and Kate's wedding (yes, I was listening to Michael Medved today). I can't speak for all of the Lamestream buffoons, but I did catch a bit of Diane Sawyer's ABC News coverage of the occasion.
While treating it as preposterous that anyone would have asked the question about his birth certificate to begin with, I noticed that Sawyer and ABC classified this group as conservatives and Republicans. Their memory didn't seem to extend back as far as the primary when Hillary's campaign first broached the issue.
Of course, that's as predictable as Obama's insincerity. Now that they've painted Birthers as Republicans and wackos, they can skip along, arm in arm while continuing to ignore the thick veil of secrecy surrounding Obama's academic records. Maybe Mr. Trump can put the heat on that issue, as well.
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