Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Now that I've digested the budget deal I've got an upset stomach

I received an e-mail yesterday from Michael with the 912 Patriots asking where I've been. I sure appreciate that someone has missed me and greatly appreciate the compliment. Thank you, Michael.

As for where I've been, on the one hand, I've been busier than a one-legged man trying to kick Obama in the ass every time he tells another lie. In other words, I've been chasing the almighty dollar, for which there are far-too few in this vicinity. On the other hand, I've been digesting the recent activity in Washington, D.C., pertaining to the budget deal.

I kept waiting to hear the explanation from the GOP explaining why it accepted a mere $38 billion in budget cuts, especially when the originally promised $100 billion was portrayed as mostly symbolic. Symbolic was the word that came to mind when I heard the 'concession' from Obama and the Democrats: allowing a vote on Obamacare (it will go nowhere and only serves the Democrats as, in 2012, they can then say, "Well, we let them vote on it once more."). Then again, defunding some of Obama's czars sounded like a step in the right direction. And what happened?

I've seen horror flicks that are so predictable it's hard to be truly frightened. "OK, now the guy with the knife and the mask, who you thought was already dead, will suddenly step out of the closet." Obama's response to the agreement to defund his czars was no less predictable.

For those who haven't heard it, here is Obama's post-agreement position on the 'compromise':

"Legislative efforts that significantly impede the president's ability to exercise his supervisory and coordinating authorities or to obtain the views of the appropriate senior advisers violate the separation of powers.”

Say what? Are you out of your mind, Mr. President? Of course, the latter is a most redundant question. Obama is now suggesting that he, as president, should have limitless ability to "exercise his supervisory and coordinating" efforts. What part of the Constitution did he read that from? I'm guessing it was in the white parts between the words.

Of course, just as I know a vote on Obamacare will go nowhere, Obama knows he'll get no traction from Republicans on this issue - or does he?

If the recent Budget agreement is any measure, Obama may very well now assume he can do as much with this new Congress as he could when he had both houses in his hip pocket. Furthermore, I'm guessing he's enjoying the opportunity to rub a little salt in the fresh wounds felt by TEA Party members around the country.

Here it is, our first time at bat with our new and ballyhooed lineup. What happens? It's a long drive. Back! Back! OK, it's not going over the wall but it should still be good for extra bases. And when the dust settles, where are our heroes standing? Oh, there they are on first base. Wait, they're only joking with the first baseman before heading back to the dugout.

I just watched an inspiring speech from Sarah Palin from Madison, WI. She couldn't have said it better: We didn't send them to D.C. to "rearrange the deck chairs on a sinking Titanic."

By the way, another lead I saw from a conservative online magazine said, "freshman GOP class fails first test," or something to that effect. Others may have failed but, here in the 8th Congressional District of Illinois, Joe Walsh passed with flying colors. He voted 'No' to the FY2011 Budget and he voted 'Yes' to Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-WI) budget proposal. I gotta tell you, Walsh is showing more chutzpa than the far-more experienced conservative members of Congress.Maybe they should pay a little less attention to Obama's lies and a little more attention to how the man for Northern Illinois is carrying himself.

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