Friday, March 25, 2011

The Left is Right - we are racists

I've come to the conclusion that our attackers from the Left are right - we are racists. Of course, that's only by definition and, in this case, the Left's definition.

I've long said that I can't think of a single white-male Democrat who could count on my vote in a presidential race against Condaleeza Rice, who, in my eyes at least, is a black woman deserving of considerable respect. But, by the Left's definition, Ms. Rice isn't really black, just as she's not really a woman. She can't possibly fit into either of those categories if she hasn't accepted her role as the oppressed victim of white male dominance for which the last several millennium are ripe with examples.

That also explains why the Left-stream media and all them folks on the Left consider Barack Obama the first black president instead of another male president who happens to have black and white ancestry. Obama has successfully denied his white heritage and, if I understand correctly, in the book 'he' wrote about his struggles (his struggles? where have I heard that before? Hmmmm - sorry, I was drifting there) ... he even points to the time when he made a specific decision to 'choose' his black heritage and deny his white.

Of course, from the Left's perspective, Obama made the right choice. Rice, on the other hand, was almost assuredly led down the primrose path by fat-cat industrialists who wanted to take advantage of her outward appearance as a black female. For the most part, the same, of course, can be said of Sarah Palin.

It just aggravates the bujeebas out of liberal progressives when they see someone from their cast who doesn't recognize the oppressive nature of society. In a sense, for failing to recognize those obvious trials and tribulations, people like Palin and Rice deserve all the derision the Left can mount against them.

It's as if the Left is standing pool side in its Mickey Mouse swimwear shivering while Palin and Rice are standing in the water saying, "Come on in. The water is fine."

But, the water can't be fine. Just as the earth is facing impending doom from Global Warming, the pool of 'traditional' society is full of contaminated water. And, now, Palin and Rice have got it all over them.

I guess it's kind of like the old Uncle Tom perspective. The basis for that perspective, of course, is to recognize 'white male dominated society' as fatally flawed. I'm not going to stand here and tell you the 'traditional' society, to which I hold considerable allegiance, doesn't have flaws.

There are rumors that Benjamin Franklin had 82 illegitimate children. While some have argued the rumors are untrue, if they were, Franklin's political career would have ended in about midstream when someone noticed he spent a little too much time with the ladies in the courts of France. But, true or false, the ultimate truth is that Franklin was one of America's greatest individuals, regardless of race, creed or color, and, in spite of any flaws, he was definitely a keeper.

I see both sides of our society - the good and the bad. I admire people like Rice and Palin because, it seems to me, they also see both sides and yet, like me, they recognize that, all things considered, our society is overwhelmingly weighted to the positive side of the scale.

Many on the Left want to abandon our Constitutional government. They want to tear down the edifice of free-market capitalism. My thought is we've got a darn good house here with a strong foundation. There are some things that need a little work but that doesn't suggest it's a good idea to burn the structure to the ground and dig up the foundation walls to build a new structure. That's particularly true when the new structure the Left is suggesting has proven to contain significant structural weaknesses.

So, I don't care if I'm a racist by the Left's definition. In the first case, I don't have a whole lot of respect for the Left's opinion to begin with. In the second case, if the reasons for the respect I have for Rice and Palin are related at all to color or gender it's only in that they have had the courage and foresight not to follow the herd.

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