It's no longer hypothetical. Catalysts Exhibits, Inc., is soon to depart Crystal Lake, IL, for a warmer environment - warmer at least in terms of the embrace and support it will receive from its new state government. Check out this story on
This situation is indicative of the blind spot in the liberal perspective. They are so completely focused on the idea of financial equity for the 'little people' under their elitist benevolence, that they can't understand an engine won't run without fuel. It's like the episode of The Twilight Zone from years ago where the killer, unable to accept the existence of terrible scars on one side of his face, which he hides from the television audience until the very end, is stunned when he's identified for the crime.
"How did they know it was me?"
"Well, no one else has that particular type of facial disfigurement."
Liberal progressives just don't see it.
"Ahha, I know the answer - tax all the wealthy owners of companies in the state."
"But, what if they move, say, to Wisconsin or something?"
"I'm sorry. I know your lips were moving but nothing was coming out."
It's as though logic is spoken at a decibel the liberal progressive ear can't pick up. "YES, YOU CAN TAX ALL THE CREATORS OF JOBS - BUT MANY WILL TAKE THEIR JOBS TO OTHER STATES RATHER THAN PAY YOUR TAXES."
"Do you think he heard you?"
"Judging by that blank stare and incoherent smile on his face, I doubt it."
The only apparent means of getting through to these Bozos is by speaking loudly at the ballot box. Hopefully, enough Illinoisans have hearing that is effective at the common-sense level and we can do some elective shouting next time these Bozos run for re-election.
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