Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Boehner talks issues - Reid retorts with insults

(Caution: contains R-rated content - language)

It's a battle of words in D.C. today. I'd say that it's a battle of wits but, one side, hasn't adequately demonstrated the possession of any wits yet.

Of course, I'm talking about the verbal confrontation between House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. The spat seems to exemplify my point. Boehner speaks to the issue, suggesting that, if Reid has a plan for cutting spending he should share it or, assuming he doesn't (a fair assumption for my money), he "owes the American people an explanation."

What does Reid hit back with? A hard hitting commentary on the wisdom of Reid's fiscal philosophy? An explanation of economic realities from a liberal progressive perspective? No, Reid tries to insult his way out of the political corner he's painted himself into. Reid's spokesman fires back: "That's tough talk from someone who is being bossed around by a bunch of freshman."

Ooooooh - scary.

I hope, when Boehner heard this reply, he had enough sense to merely shake his head and go about his business, the way an adult does when challenged by a witless infant. Boehner doesn't need to respond to this kind of mononic hyperbole. Leave that to us.

Let us point out the following to Reid: Listen, you shit-for-brains asshole, the economic crisis we face is not figurative. It won't be fixed by juggling the books a little. People, real people with blood running through their veins and thoughts through their minds, are suffering from the financial pickle you and the other pond-scum Liberal Progressives out there in the Beltway have put us in.

Congress needs to make a hard choice: continue down a liberal progressive path to economic and social ruin or return to a Constitutional footing that embraces fiscal conservatism, limited government and Constitutional principles. If there's a government shutdown, only a fraction of Americans will buy your argument that "It's their fault." And, those freshman representatives you're bashing - in only two months they've shown more statesmanship, wisdom and patriotism than you've shown in, what ... how long have you been abusing that seat in Congress now?

I tell you what, Senator, the next time you find yourself in a verbal confrontation of this sort, when you have nothing of substance to say, instead of submitting to the knee-jerk temptation to strike out blindly, take a deep breath and reflect for a second. Ask yourself a simple question: "If I don't have anything intelligent to respond with, could this be an indication that my position is without merit?"

If you ask yourself this question honestly, and with an open mind, you may wake up one day and realize, "Oh my God, how much time have I wasted following this Liberal Progressive garbage." OK, now I'm getting silly. You have as much chance of finding true clarity in that addled liberal brain of yours as I do of finding the Hope Diamond in a McDonald's Happy Meal.

Oh, wait - are you folks in D.C. still letting us eat those if we want?

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