I woke to a love fest on the radio this morning. A WGN radio host was questioning one of the Wisconsin Democrat legislators currently hiding out like a common criminal in Illinois. Did he ask him any tough questions? Certainly not during the time that I was listening. In fact, every question he asked seemed to come from a place where hiding in another state to avoid the passage of unwanted legislation is treated as entirely valid.
If anyone else was listening, please tell me - did the host ask the one question that begged to be asked, the only truly valid question? Did he ask, "If you and your peers had a Democrat majority in the Wisconsin legislature, and the Republicans fled the state to avoid a vote they didn't want, what would you say to them?"
Now, I know the Democrat on the radio this morning would not give an honest answer to that question. He would answer it based on the current situation: "Well, sometimes you have to do what you have to do. I'd understand and I'd compromise with them so they'd come home and we'd all work together like a happy family."
Here's the answer he'd give if he was in Madison, the Republicans were hiding in Iowa (they wouldn't hid in Illinois because our Democrat governor would almost certainly send our state police to send them back) while the Wisconsin Dems were about to pass legislation the Republicans didn't agree with: "This is an irresponsible dereliction of duty. These Republicans are nothing more than criminals. Imagine, running away to hide across state lines."
Of course, if the shoe was on the other foot, the Dems would twist the rules in Wisconsin so that they could vote without the Republicans.
You don't need to tell me. I missed the beginning of the interview but the question I've posed here was not in the spirit of the moment. Instead, the host seemed to validate statements by the Wisconsin Dem that the governor of Wisconsin is wasting state funds by having the state police drive to the homes of Democrat legislators he knows aren't home (hmmm, who paid for the gas when the Dems fled across the border?).
So, I have another question; how long do the Dems have to stay in Illinois before they lose their residency in Wisconsin, and hence their jobs? Oh, and one other question - will Taco Bell look to this as fodder for a new "Run for the Border" commercial?
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