Someone made a pretty good point yesterday after I posted my comments about Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) and the exemplary manner in which he has not forgotten the promises he made during the campaign. He is well deserving of the praise, particularly since, when people in public office screw up, I'm among the first to jump on that.
However, as was pointed out, I failed to mention Rep. Robert Dold (R-IL). During the campaign, Dold had a clever little campaign ditty that played off the similarity between his name and former Presidential Candidate Robert Dole. Otherwise, Dold was very similar to Walsh in terms of the promises given. As was pointed out, that's apparently where the similarity ends.
Where Walsh has demonstrated limited-government, fiscal-conservative backbone, Dold has apparently sold out on virtually all of his campaign promises. The way it's been explained to me, it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility to find out that Dold was a liberal progressive plant from the start only masquerading as a conservative. I understand he has a voting record that would make Nancy Pelosi proud.
In a sense, I regret highlighting Dold's 'accomplishments' since arriving in Washington, D.C. My intention was that I felt Joe deserved the limelight unencumbered by the likes of a charlatan spewing patriotic rhetoric as though he means it. I regret the decision because, in reality, Dold's behavior makes Joe's all the more noteworthy.
Just a couple days ago, a conservative I know complained that, Republican or Democrat, they were essentially all alike - out for themselves and screw the nation. With people like Joe Walsh in Washington, D.C., I was able to respond, "Well, not quite all of them. Sure, we've got our Dolds but we also have our Walsh's, and thank God for that."
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