Thursday, February 24, 2011

Republicans and Democrats play by different rules and priorities

We all watched the way they shoved, pulled and manipulated the system to push that monstrosity across the finish line. Rules be damned. Obama, Pelosi, Reed and all their liberal co-horts weren't going to be stopped by a little thing like procedure. As a result, we now have a law that is so incredibly wonderful that the president - the architect of the entire disaster - is passing out waivers to his friends so they can ignore the splendors of Obamacare.

In the midst of this political environment, the liberal progressives seem to be saying, "The Constitution is outdated. Why should we listen to the words of a bunch of old white guys who wore wigs?" It's as though they've taken license to ignore the Constitution and ignore the rules of law to achieve their aims because, by golly, no idea would dare to cross their brain pans unless it was valid.

So, why can't the Wisconsin legislature do the same thing? To heck with the Democrats hiding in Illinois. Just right a new rule, twist a policy here and there and vote without them. All is fair in love and war, right, and that must cover the government.

Truth is they can't do it because it violates the rule of law, which is not OK, and that's the difference between the liberals and the conservatives. The liberals don't believe in anything until some dictator is breathing down their necks. Life is funny that way.

Things like unions, gay rights and handouts from the government are all the rage when you have a Democratic Republic protecting you. But, strip away those Constitutional rights and suddenly not having Federallies bust down your door at 2 a.m. is a little higher on your list of priorities. When you have to ask permission from some bureaucrat to move to another state, assuming your papers are otherwise in order to cross the state line, the rights of gays to marry isn't as big of a deal anymore.

It's one of the reasons so many people in other countries laugh at us from time to time - "Those crazy Americans, protesting for unions. Heck, I'd be thrilled just to drink water we didn't take from the same river we use as a toilet."

That's the thing. For liberals, based on a world built on the backs of hardworking Americans and the blood of our young soldiers, all they can see is what's important to them within that plane. For conservatives - real conservatives, the ones who don't look at limited government as a way to horde a fortune while trampling the rights of individuals, who believe in the Constitution whether it's made them wealthy or not, keeping in mind that wealth is a relative term compared to someone in Zimbabwe or something, the priorities start with the Constitutionally defended liberties we've taken for granted in this country for so long.

And for this reason, the Republicans cannot violate the rules in Wisconsin the way the Democrats so cheaply do; they cannot tear apart the rule of law to defend it.

Life isn't always fair. Republicans are typically driven from office by sexual scandals while Democrats come out of the closet and gain a new constituency they can count on at election time. Republicans are duty bound to follow the rules while Democrats consider it a mark of honor to violate the rules.

Of course, there's only one way the liberals and Democrats can keep getting away with this - as long as the voting public keeps telling themselves it doesn't matter. And that will happen just as long as many in the voting public are more concerned about things like 'gay rights' than basic Constitutional liberties.

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