Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Patriots United Obamacare forum puts radical nature of legislation in perspective attended a Townhall forum this evening put on by Patriots United with a panel including two physicians and a CEO from the area health care system. The event was inspiring and frightening. It was inspiring to see people at that level who have calmly and coolly consider the implications of Obamacare and have rationally found it, not just wanting, but destructive to an extreme.

How about this for a highlight: Did you know that 90 percent of medical costs are determined by a panel of 29 members of the American Medical Association. The process, and the pricing documents the AMA creates, have a value of $100 million, according to one of the physicians. And yet, somewhat less than 17 percent of all "living" physicians actually belong to the AMA.

Why does the government allow this partisan agency such influence?

Anyhow, it's late, at least in terms of how early I have to get up tomorrow. I don't think they've posted the video of the event yet, but it should be up at the following soon:

I'll try to come back with more tidbits and pearls from the event in the next few days. In the meantime, if you're looking for a way to maximize your effort to help put this country back on a Constitutional footing, you might want to check out the Patriots United site now, even if the video isn't up yet (there's a video of another event posted to the site as I write this).

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