Monday, February 28, 2011

Palin has to be stupid

Sometimes, well, I guess the wheels turn a bit slowly for me. The obvious hangs out there just beyond my reach until, one day, I stumble forward and, before it can skitter away, I latch onto logic as though it were my own idea. I feel as though that's the case today.

I've found it mind boggling the way the Left and the Leftstream Media have utterly demonized Sarah Palin. Sure, I realized they recognized her as a political threat. After all, she's a woman in an age when a male politician is somewhat detached and distant in the world of PC. Sure, a lot of men are still elected to office but that only proves that some of us have shrugged off the politically correct brain cleansing that the elitists started 20 years ago or so.

But, today, I realized that it's not just that she's a threat politically - that she has a chance to pull away members of her own gender from a customary majority vote for the Liberal side. The Liberal Progressive premise is that any intelligent woman will recognize her interests as best served with the Democrats, just as any union member would have to be out of his or her mind to vote Republican. In other words, Palin has to be stupid.

If the Liberals concede that Palin isn't a razor's edge above a moron they have to also concede that an intelligent woman might not find the Liberal argument as entirely convincing; they'd have to admit that there are plausible reasons for a woman to vote conservative.

This goes deeply against the grain for the Liberal Progressive way of thinking. Doesn't Palin know that the Democrats have bought and paid for her vote with addictive support for abortion rights and equal rights. All an intelligent woman need do is look at the voting records. But, what if those votes, in the long run, aren't as assuredly in a woman's best interest after all?

What if standing firm on Constitutional principles is a more certain road to the best interests of women. What if conceding that choice starts and ends at conception would actually save women from the horrible 'choice' of infanticide, saving them from a life of regret and inescapable guilt?

So Palin has to be stupid. It just has to be that way. Think of it as her sacrifice to the Liberal cause. Of course, if she's unwilling to make that sacrifice, maybe she's not that dumb after all. And, if Palin's not that stupid, maybe more union members can come to see that their immediate interests are poorly served in the long run.

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