Friday, February 25, 2011

Flight, Fight or Swim - Wisconsin has me at wit's ends

I've just realized how pissed off I am with my representatives in the past. No, I'm not talking about the liberal progressive Dems. I'm talking about the conservative Republicans.

Apparently, when the Dems push through pro-Welfarian legislation, pro-abortion legislation, pro-gay rights legislation, voting against the legislation was not really going to the mat for America. I thought it was but no. If they were really prepared to stand up for America, they should have fled across the border to Canada, taken a trip to Ireland or something. Instead, they failed America by allowing the Dems to achieve a quorum.

Well, maybe they didn't know any better. Maybe they just didn't realize the way to fight bad legislation was to hide away in a Bohemian closet somewhere. Now they know.

So, the next time the Dems have 'the power' and want to vote on a typical liberal piece of trash legislation, I expect my representative to flee across the border - get out of town quick.

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I just watched a video of the Wisconsin House of Representatives after the passage of the "Budget Vote." Here are the Dems who didn't hide (I suppose the Republicans in the Wisconsin House didn't need any Dems to have a quorum or the House Dems would probably have run for the border, too) shouting, "Shame! Shame! Shame!" at the Republicans. Will those same Dems condemn their Democrat colleagues from the Wisconsin Senate someday when their colleagues sneak back into the state?

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By the way, just for your information, Wisconsin Senators with a capital D after your names - we have enough liberal loons in Illinois already. If you stay here too long, you might tip Illinois over and we'll all spill into Lake Michigan. And that wouldn't even be half bad considering the breakdown of voters in this state.

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