No. Obamacare was a step back for the American people. It’s unaffordable and un-Constitutional. It’s a disgrace that it was passed into law and a dark mark on the credibility of those in office who take their oaths to uphold the Constitution so frivolously. You should be ashamed for forcing this disaster upon the American people and the people of your state. The fact that you seem unwilling or unable to recognize that casts your personal credibility into the sewer.
Americans need, first and foremost, representatives who will uphold the Constitution. The economy will ebb and flow. Our liberties should not ebb and flow as well.
From: “”
To: r…
Sent: Wed, February 9, 2011 5:48:22 PM
Subject: Message from Senator Durbin
February 9, 2011
Mr. R….
Dear Mr. R….:
Thank you for contacting me in support of H.R. 2, a bill to repeal health reform. I appreciate knowing your thoughts on this issue.
Health reform is making a difference in the lives of people in Illinois and across our nation. For the first time in our history, insurance companies are accountable for providing quality coverage to Americans. Insurance companies can no longer deny coverage to children with pre-existing conditions, cancel coverage when people get sick, or place limits on the amount of care people can get, especially when they need it.
The new health reform law gives working families and the middle class a greater assurance that they can find and keep affordable coverage. Tax credits are provided to small businesses to help them cover employees, and when fully implemented, the law will give tax credits to working class Americans who cannot afford their insurance policies. The law will cut the federal budget deficit by $143 billion in the first 10 years and $1.3 trillion in the second 10 years. It will also protect Americans from arbitrary rate hikes and denials of insurance coverage as broad insurance reforms are implemented.
A repeal of the health reform law would be a step backwards for our nation. H.R. 2 would remove consumer protections that prevent insurance industry abuse and would cause millions of Americans to lose health care coverage. Significantly, H.R. 2 would increase the federal deficit by $230 billion dollars over the next decade – a task both Republicans and Democrats have promised not to do.
In addition to the burden on our nation’s deficit, repeal of the law would have other adverse effects. Small businesses across Illinois would lose insurance, for example, because they would no longer have access to a small business tax credit to make insurance affordable. If the law were repealed, the necessary steps to close the donut hole in the Medicare Part D prescription drug program would be reversed. Additionally, hundreds of thousands of seniors would lose a 50 percent discount on brand name drugs and 47,200 young adults under age 26 in Illinois would lose their insurance coverage on their parents’ insurance plans if the law were repealed.
The new law is not perfect; however, the law makes great strides in providing quality coverage to Americans and reducing the federal deficit. I stand by my support for health reform and will continue to work towards its implementation.
I recognize that we disagree on this issue, but I appreciate knowing your thoughts on it and I hope you continue to contact me on matters of importance to you.
Richard J. Durbin
United States Senator
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